Abdulkadir è stato ferito da un proiettile sparato da Vahap in Terra Amara: avrà salvezza?

The primetime airing of Bitter Land, scheduled unusually for Monday, 1st April, holds many astonishing surprises. Viewer attention will be notably heightened towards Abdulkadir, as he is set to receive some distressing news.

Specifically, Abdulkadir ends up in the hospital critically injured after his brother Vahap shoots him. What do the previews of Bitter Land reveal? There is another character, Fikret, whose worsening health condition is causing worry.

Fikret’s Accident in Bitter Land

Fikret becomes a victim of a road accident. Although it is unclear who caused the accident, suspicion revolves around Colak. Fikret is suffering from dire health complications, including a brain hemorrhage.

No doctor in the hospital believes they can save Fikret’s life. The only surgeon capable of performing the necessary operation is in Switzerland, but he does not wish to travel to Turkey to perform the surgery.

Meanwhile, Betul’s predicament escalates as Colak awaits their wedding. However, Betul harbors different intentions, primarily due to an alternative situation demanding her attention.

Betul’s Strategy

Betul stays by Abdulkadir’s side after his brother Vahap shoots him. Originally, Abdulkadir sought help from a family doctor for initial treatments. However, as his health continues to deteriorate, Abdulkadir is transferred to the hospital.

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Colak, unaware of Betul’s whereabouts, waits for her so they can get married. However, Betul has a shocking plan- she attempts to poison Colak on their wedding night.

Will Abdulkadir survive after being shot?

Betul’s plan fails as Colak identifies the poisoned drink given by his wife, and in retaliation, decides to lock her up in the house. Fikret’s life hangs in the balance, but Hakan manages to persuade the Swiss surgeon to operate on him.

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Will Abdulkadir ultimately survive? Many viewers are seeking this answer, and thankfully, it’s positive. Abdulkadir eventually wakes up from his coma. Meanwhile, Sermin starts worrying as her daughter goes missing and she confronts Colak.

Upon requesting Betul’s whereabouts, Abdulkadir discovers that the woman he loves has married Colak. Betul and Abdulkadir convene and decide to unite against the Yamans.

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